Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Come and Go

In the middle of my travel to our humble abode I was struck by the realization or maybe just a thought that comes with “why do people just come and go to our life?”. I don’t exactly understand why such thought torments me for nearly a week and drag me out of deep contemplation. In my contemplation there are several things I wish I can do, like Nightcrawler, that can teleport from one place to another or I could be rich to visit my love one every time, and sometimes I wish I am in a place where no one else does leave but rather stay and you can drag them everytime you feel alone and need to absorb all your wearies. These are the things that no matter how hard I try to think why such things are impossible.
Friendship may be the most wonderful thing that humankind had established throughout the ages. That no matter what happens; friendship is still the core foundation in every aspect of a relationship. For some, they don’t need friends because they say that they came unto this world alone and they can live their life all by themselves which I think would be hard for those who made their friends as the most vital parts of their living. Nonetheless, those people might have some kind of phobia that prohibit themselves trusting other that results a lonely world for them or just that they fear to trust others and maybe some of them feared that even if they made friends with other they will just gonna leave, so they might think that; rather not to make friends coz no matter what they’ll just gonna leave. It’s absurd to think that these people exist to this world full of friendly people. Many things in this world that need not to be afraid of, I myself did not actually lay off my trust to one person but I am open to the possibilities that that person can be my friends and soon afterwards I’m starting to give my trust to them. Trust is hard to earn and when you earn it, it is seems that you’ve earn the ticket to one’s person trip of life, but be careful not to broke the trust, you can put back all the pieces but it might not it the same. This might be the problem of some person that has no friends at all, even if they do, they can never lay their trust on them.
So what is the sense of friendship without trust?
I think its nonsense.
So can we trust those first acquaintances?
Can we trust our new friends?
Can we still trust our old friends when they came again?
I think the answer is yes.

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