Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not mine :)

The latter entries wasn't mine, but I got an authorization from the writer of those to put it here in my blog. I decided to expose it here because according to what I've read, it was written sincerely and contained fertile ideas. I am convincing him to create his own blog but he resist not to do so. 

He is really a good composer of words, poems, and ideas about everything: Life, Love, Life experiences. 
So I guess he deserves to own a blog. Diba Kevin Beltran :)

Come and Go

In the middle of my travel to our humble abode I was struck by the realization or maybe just a thought that comes with “why do people just come and go to our life?”. I don’t exactly understand why such thought torments me for nearly a week and drag me out of deep contemplation. In my contemplation there are several things I wish I can do, like Nightcrawler, that can teleport from one place to another or I could be rich to visit my love one every time, and sometimes I wish I am in a place where no one else does leave but rather stay and you can drag them everytime you feel alone and need to absorb all your wearies. These are the things that no matter how hard I try to think why such things are impossible.
Friendship may be the most wonderful thing that humankind had established throughout the ages. That no matter what happens; friendship is still the core foundation in every aspect of a relationship. For some, they don’t need friends because they say that they came unto this world alone and they can live their life all by themselves which I think would be hard for those who made their friends as the most vital parts of their living. Nonetheless, those people might have some kind of phobia that prohibit themselves trusting other that results a lonely world for them or just that they fear to trust others and maybe some of them feared that even if they made friends with other they will just gonna leave, so they might think that; rather not to make friends coz no matter what they’ll just gonna leave. It’s absurd to think that these people exist to this world full of friendly people. Many things in this world that need not to be afraid of, I myself did not actually lay off my trust to one person but I am open to the possibilities that that person can be my friends and soon afterwards I’m starting to give my trust to them. Trust is hard to earn and when you earn it, it is seems that you’ve earn the ticket to one’s person trip of life, but be careful not to broke the trust, you can put back all the pieces but it might not it the same. This might be the problem of some person that has no friends at all, even if they do, they can never lay their trust on them.
So what is the sense of friendship without trust?
I think its nonsense.
So can we trust those first acquaintances?
Can we trust our new friends?
Can we still trust our old friends when they came again?
I think the answer is yes.

Love: the way we don’t usually see it

In love, we cannot judge the bearer of it nor the successor of it. There is no judging in love anyway. The only thing we can do in love is just to let it ruin our life, if we let ‘em. The mere fact that love is like a pair of flip-flops’, as they call it, it’s just that you cannot wear it if it isn’t in pair. Love is like a chocolate-sometimes dark, sometimes rough, sometimes bitter and sometimes sweet. Whatever hell that love possesses, we just cannot ignore it, because ignoring it will lead into much worse than tragic.
As Prince Charles said, “I have fallen in love with all sorts of girls and I fully intend to go on doing so”, as such we can keep falling for something until we find who we deserve and we’ll gonna share for the rest of our life.
Falling in love is was just like, when we saw someone that had caught our mere sight and we kept on looking at them and that is what we call love at first sight. We human can also produce what is so-called pheromone in forms of sweat. The process was involuntary by the brain, we blush when we saw someone that was so quite perfectly compatible to our gene, we pick up their pheromones and a mere snuck of them looses our mind and seems we gonna die. Experiments had suggest that when a man had smelled a woman and he was captivated by her scent is more likely compatible for his gene to reproduced with, same principle as to woman. Love maybe just a chemical responsible that was conceive trough our body. But we cannot deny that it drive us crazy, whether it was conscious or unconscious. Inspiration, it was thriving in all of us and can be strong and transcends extra-ordinary human abilities when love had pumps its inevitable power to it.

Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart. Love is sharing things and looking for no other that a smile in a face. Love is you. Love is not just a chemical signalling of our brain but a entity that makes us happy. Love is a trust, even though far away we are rest assured that when we come back home there’s a warm hug waiting. Love waits. Sometimes love fails, but that isn’t love. Love really doesn’t fail. What had failed is our capacity to give love. Love is what this world is made of.

Monday, August 15, 2011


4 days ago, I decided to try this Korean drink that I bought in the grocery for only 75php -- Soju. Chamisul Soju to be specific. And FYI, I drank it alone. You know. Loner. Haha!

According  to Wikipedia , It is a distilled beverage native to Korea, and comparable to the taste of Vodka. 
Linguistically, the word soju is the Korean rendering of the Chinese 燒酒 (pinyinshaojiu), which literally means "burned liquor". The Chinese word shaojiu is rendered in Japanese as shōchū, the word that denotes a distilled alcoholic beverage that is the Japanese variant of soju and is traditionally made from rice.
Jinro is the largest manufacturer of soju. (76 million cases sold in 2008). The most popular variety of soju is currently Chamisul (참 이슬 - literally meaning "real dew").
Yes, It tasted like Vodka, but light one. For me ha. 
I did the session alone in my room while watching primetime soap operas. I took the first full shot, and the rest with a chaser na ice cold water. Hehe! And I'm done in just 45 minutes. Yay! 

I'm sorry that I got an F'd up camera phone. But good thing that my effin' phone did a good job, and the bad thing about that session of mine is that I end up the next day finding the bottle of soju, because I do not know where the hell did I placed it after drinking it. Hahahaha! 
I just found it after 2days. Haha!
I want to try soon their Korean famous foods.

da-eum sigan kkaji!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

No, not again!

' No I can't spell it out for you, No it's never gonna be that simple, No I can't spell it out for you'

I got LSS with Colbie Callait's song Realize. I'ts kinda emoish (emoish daw oh!) I actually heard it thrice yesterday.

Well, to make this blog uhm.. just to put something in here, I'll pour over my sort of self kept issue: It's been 5 days since me and my amigo don't communicate for some lovers quarrel reasons. I guess misunderstanding came along to us which is normal from what we believed in. But not for me. I'm trying not to comprehend this situation of us but it doesn't work. 
We just had our 4th year anniversary week ago and celebrated it simply by having a meal, bubbly talks, cuddling and DVD marathons together. But despite all that, He doesn't seem happy. I don't know but I felt it that way. 
I would say that our relationship is isn't good this past few months. Yes, I would honestly admit that we've been in a rough and tumbling situation. I sometimes thought of not being a good one for him in some aspects of our relationship and I feel bad about it. I feel so not inspiring for him, I feel so perwisyo, worthless and I feel careless about his feelings. Maybe that's how it goes and that's how you feel when you're in a long term relationship. Is it? And sometimes you just feel giving up.
I cried hard about this last night, like I can't do nothing, but let God relieve the pain I'm feeling that very moment of my desolation. Plus factor that I'm in a quite struggling family problems.

I'm trying not to think about it for now, Instead, give a damn for those people around who makes me happy and be thankful for the blessings I am receiving each day. 

Let's not waste every amount of love we're receiving and most importantly in giving. For we are lucky to love and be loved back. Let's not allow ego and selfish love ruin every relationship we have to those people who appreciates us.
I learned all throughout these years that it is life itself whom will give us lessons, importance and realizations. And also to prove how much we believe our faith and love to HIM in times of not just in sorrows but in happiness.

-- This is my another drama queen side. :|

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Black and white

I was just about to blog something, but then I suddenly don't know what to put in here. Well, anyway, it is obvious that I stopped blogging for a while for so many reasons: Though I'm not a busy person as you would think, I just don't really know what to blog these past few months. I sometimes suck in English grammar, lazy, nothings special about me because I admit that I'm a boring person,yes. To make it short, my life is black and white.
